Equities Research Analysts’ Updated EPS Estimates for December 24th (AMC, BH, BOOM, CPRX, CPX, IDT, LLY, MET, MFIN, NNI)

Equities Research Analysts’ updated eps estimates for Tuesday, December 24th:

Arizona Metals (CVE:AMC) had its price target reduced by National Bankshares, Inc. from C$4.00 to C$3.75. National Bankshares, Inc. currently has an outperform rating on the stock.

Biglari (NYSE:BH) was downgraded by analysts at StockNews.com from a strong-buy rating to a buy rating.

DMC Global (NASDAQ:BOOM) was downgraded by analysts at StockNews.com from a hold rating to a sell rating.

Catalyst Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:CPRX) was downgraded by analysts at StockNews.com from a strong-buy rating to a buy rating.

Capital Power (TSE:CPX) had its target price boosted by CIBC from C$54.00 to C$68.00. CIBC currently has a neutral rating on the stock.

IDT (NYSE:IDT) was downgraded by analysts at StockNews.com from a strong-buy rating to a buy rating.

Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE:LLY) was downgraded by analysts at StockNews.com from a buy rating to a hold rating.

MetLife (NYSE:MET) was downgraded by analysts at StockNews.com from a buy rating to a hold rating.

Medallion Financial (NASDAQ:MFIN) was downgraded by analysts at StockNews.com from a buy rating to a hold rating.

Nelnet (NYSE:NNI) was downgraded by analysts at StockNews.com from a buy rating to a hold rating.

Open Text (NASDAQ:OTEX) (TSE:OTC) had its price target cut by TD Securities from $40.00 to $38.00. TD Securities currently has a buy rating on the stock.

Payfare (TSE:PAY) had its price target boosted by Raymond James from C$3.00 to C$4.00. The firm currently has a market perform rating on the stock.

Vermilion Energy (TSE:VET) (NYSE:VET) had its price target boosted by National Bankshares, Inc. from C$17.50 to C$18.00. National Bankshares, Inc. currently has an outperform rating on the stock.

Vermilion Energy (TSE:VET) (NYSE:VET) had its price target trimmed by ATB Capital from C$20.00 to C$17.50. ATB Capital currently has an outperform rating on the stock.

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