Harvard Bioscience, Inc. (NASDAQ:HBIO) Short Interest Update

Harvard Bioscience, Inc. (NASDAQ:HBIOGet Free Report) was the recipient of a large increase in short interest during the month of October. As of October 15th, there was short interest totalling 350,600 shares, an increase of 11.4% from the September 30th total of 314,700 shares. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 110,600 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently 3.2 days.

Hedge Funds Weigh In On Harvard Bioscience

A number of hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently made changes to their positions in HBIO. Rhumbline Advisers increased its position in Harvard Bioscience by 24.9% in the second quarter. Rhumbline Advisers now owns 47,753 shares of the medical instruments supplier’s stock worth $136,000 after buying an additional 9,512 shares during the last quarter. Allspring Global Investments Holdings LLC bought a new stake in Harvard Bioscience in the 2nd quarter worth approximately $31,000. Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD purchased a new stake in Harvard Bioscience in the first quarter worth approximately $54,000. Riverwater Partners LLC grew its position in Harvard Bioscience by 13.7% during the second quarter. Riverwater Partners LLC now owns 105,977 shares of the medical instruments supplier’s stock valued at $302,000 after acquiring an additional 12,780 shares during the last quarter. Finally, SG Americas Securities LLC bought a new stake in shares of Harvard Bioscience in the 3rd quarter worth approximately $36,000. 80.87% of the stock is owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.

Harvard Bioscience Stock Performance

Shares of Harvard Bioscience stock traded down $0.10 during mid-day trading on Thursday, hitting $2.35. 62,683 shares of the stock were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 113,688. Harvard Bioscience has a 12 month low of $2.30 and a 12 month high of $5.56. The company has a 50-day simple moving average of $2.64 and a 200 day simple moving average of $3.01. The company has a market capitalization of $102.06 million, a P/E ratio of -11.75 and a beta of 1.29. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.48, a quick ratio of 0.94 and a current ratio of 2.05.

Harvard Bioscience (NASDAQ:HBIOGet Free Report) last issued its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, August 8th. The medical instruments supplier reported ($0.03) EPS for the quarter, missing analysts’ consensus estimates of $0.03 by ($0.06). The business had revenue of $23.10 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $29.91 million. Harvard Bioscience had a negative return on equity of 2.70% and a negative net margin of 10.56%. Sell-side analysts anticipate that Harvard Bioscience will post 0.11 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

About Harvard Bioscience

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Harvard Bioscience, Inc develops, manufactures, and sells technologies, products, and services for life science applications in the United States and internationally. The company offers cellular and molecular technology products, such as syringe and peristaltic infusion pump products; electroporation and electrofusion instruments, amino acid analyzers, spectrophotometers, and other equipment for molecular level testing and research; and precision scientific measuring instrumentation and equipment, including data acquisition systems for cellular analysis, complete micro electrode array solutions for in vivo recordings, and in vitro systems for extracellular recordings.

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